Bachelor of Law


1. Introduction to the Training Program

Program Name: Bachelor's Degree Program in Law
Degree Granted: Bachelor of Law
Field of Study: Law
Major Code: 7380101
Training Type: Full-time
Duration: 3.5 years
Accumulated Credits: 128 (excluding Physical Education and National Defense Education courses)

2.Objectives of the Training Program

2.1 General Objectives

The undergraduate program in Law at Binh Duong Economics and Technology University aims to produce high-quality human resources with an applied orientation. It equips learners with comprehensive theoretical knowledge, in-depth understanding of the law, practical legal expertise, and fundamental knowledge in politics, economics, culture, and society related to the legal field. Additionally, it provides essential knowledge in computer science, foreign languages, research skills, and legal practice. The program also focuses on developing physical fitness, critical thinking skills, and good ethical qualities. It instills in students a positive attitude, respect for and protection of the law, and the ability to conduct research, innovate, and adapt to the evolving economic and social landscape and international integration of the country.

2.2 Specific Objectives

Regarding Knowledge:

- Scientific knowledge in politics, economics, culture, history, and psychology provides the foundation for receiving, researching, and developing knowledge about the state and the law.

- Fundamental knowledge about the state and the law, in-depth understanding of law and specialized fields, and practical legal knowledge in Vietnam are the foundation for applying and resolving legal issues arising in administrative, criminal, civil, economic, and international areas.

Regarding Skills:

- Analyzing and evaluating legal situations and selecting appropriate legal provisions for application; possessing legal practice skills in practical activities, consulting, participating in litigation, teaching, and legal research.

- Information technology and foreign language skills are necessary for performing tasks in the legal field and international integration.

- Effective communication and teamwork skills; ability to work independently, creatively solving legal issues arising in administrative, criminal, civil, economic, and international areas.

Regarding Attitude - Autonomy and Responsibility:

- Possessing a spirit of self-learning, continuously improving professional expertise to meet job requirements; demonstrate a sense of responsibility in assigned tasks; adhere to legal compliance, discipline, and professional ethics; respect and collaborate with colleagues.

- Having a clear future orientation and developing a lifelong learning mindset to adapt to changes in the Legal profession midst globalization.

Knowledge Accumulated Credits Percentage (%)
1. General Knowledge 32 25%
2. Specialized Knowledge 85 75%
2.1 Knowledge of Basic Field 14 11%
2.2 Knowledge of General Field 54 42%
2.3 Knowledge of Specialized Field 16 13%
2.4 Internship & Thesis 12 9%

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