Bachelor of Pharmaceutical


Industry Code: 7720201
Total Credits: 160
Duration of Training: 4.5 years
Training System: Formal – Title: Pharmacist

I. Introduction:

The Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy at Binh Duong Economics and Technology University (BETU) holds a pivotal role within the institution. Initially established as the Faculty of Pharmacy by Decision No. 02/QĐ-ĐHKTKT-HĐQT on April 12, 2014, it underwent a significant transformation into the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy under Decision No. 135/QĐ- ĐHKTKT on July 26, 2019. This evolution underscores its enduring importance as a cornerstone faculty at BETU, dedicated to nurturing proficient medical and pharmacy professionals in response to the critical needs of these sectors.


1. Mission:

The Faculty's mission is to equip students with comprehensive pharmacy knowledge, practical skills, adaptability, and hands-on experience essential for thriving in public healthcare environments. This mission is aligned with enhancing the healthcare sector's development locally, nationally, and globally within Binh Duong province.

2. Vision:

By 2030, the Faculty aims to be a distinguished hub for applied pharmacy education in Vietnam, renowned for its accredited training programs and robust collaborations with domestic and international entities.


1. Knowledge:

• Application of fundamental scientific knowledge in economics, politics, society, and law to address challenges in drug supply, consultation, and pharmaceutical research and development.

• Utilization of both basic and specialized scientific knowledge to ensure the quality and effective supply and utilization of drugs, along with analyzing clinical cases and pharmaceutical information.

2. Skills:

• Proficiency in conducting research, development, and testing within pharmaceutical production settings.

• Effective application of soft skills such as communication, teamwork, critical thinking, and problem-solving in developing pharmaceutical retail systems and managing drug supply and consulting services.

• Competency in utilizing laboratory-scale equipment, tools, and software relevant to the pharmaceutical industry in the era of Industry 4.0.

3. Autonomy and Responsibility:

• Adherence to legal regulations and ethical standards in healthcare practice.

• Demonstrated respect, cooperation, and social responsibility in interactions with patients, families, colleagues, and partners.


Graduates of the Faculty have diverse career prospects in the pharmaceutical industry, including roles in Vietnamese and multinational pharmaceutical companies (e.g., sales, quality assurance, testing), hospital pharmacy departments (e.g., clinical pharmacy, pharmacy management, health insurance), and as educators in pharmacy faculties of colleges and universities. Other opportunities include positions in healthcare management agencies or entrepreneurship in pharmacy and pharmaceutical distribution.


The Faculty boasts state-of-the-art laboratory facilities essential for hands-on training in foundational subjects like anatomy, organic chemistry, analytical chemistry, and microbiology, as well as specialized courses in pharmaceutical preparation, medicinal materials, and pharmacology. The curriculum is continuously updated to align with the evolving demands of pharmaceutical supply management, integrating modules such as Pharmaceutical Marketing and drug information systems. Furthermore, practical training partnerships with hospitals, pharmacies, and pharmaceutical companies ensure students are well-prepared for professional roles upon graduation.

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